CPP213 - ICDE Creative/Critical Investigation

Course Overview
This segment focuses on the creative process, historical contextualization, critical theoretical investigation, and questions of sustainability. The course inculcates the creative process within this field by inviting prominent choreographers to share their artistic investigations. It delves into the historical and theoretical investigations conducted in each field. Finally, it has a segment on arts administration, policy, and management as applicable to the field of Indian classical dance both within India as well as outside the national borders.Course Outline
- Learn about the complex histories and contexts of ICD
- Apply concepts learned in theoretical investigations to technique classes
- Learn basics of administration, cultural policy in the Indian and Euro-American contexts, and management in ICD
- Explore the creative process and praxis in ICD historically and in contemporary contexts
- Create individualized pedagogical pathways in theory this traditional teaching and learning model
Applies To The Following Certificate
- Indian Classical Dance Pedagogy Certificate : Required
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