HRT126 - Generational and Cultural Impact to Business

Course Overview
Generational and cultural similarities and differences do exist. To what extent do they impact relationships and the business bottom-line? By traditional definitions, age defines the generations. Learn how understanding the various generational traits will work to your advantage. There is more cultural diversity in the workplace than ever before. We will explore Geert Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions to enhance your cultural awareness and understand the effect of unconscious bias on workplace performance.
This course explores how trends, patterns and human bias factor into our interpretation of business interactions across the generations and throughout many cultures. You will walk away with practical ideas to apply in your workplace and personal life to succeed generationally and cross-culturally.
- Overview of the generations including traits and unique characteristics of each
- How life stages and rhythms of history impact the generations
- Recognize key collision zones between the generations
- Understand how changing generations have disrupted businesses and the future implications of work
- Geert Hofstede’s Six Cultural Dimensions: Power Distance Index (PDI), Uncertainty Avoidance Index (UAI), Individualism vs Collectivism (IDV), Masculinity vs Femininity (MAS), Long-Term vs Short-Term (LTO), and Indulgence vs Restraint (IVR)
- Case studies and simulations to apply ideas to real-life situations
- Describe how generational and cultural business practices impact employee performance and organizational outcomes
- Awareness of generations and cultures including commonalities and differences
- Foundational understanding of how the generations are studied and how media influences affect perceptions
- Strategies and tactics for working and communicating with the generations and various cultures
- Examples of how companies have embraced the differences in the generations and cultures to create effective, diverse workplaces
"The past few classes have been so relevant, not only for the purpose of human resources at the workplace, but human relations in the world we live in today. To be able to see how people from all walks of life are affected and find ways to deal is so insightful."
Spring 2020 Participant
Applies To The Following Certificate
- Human Resources Certificate : Required
- Learning and Development Certificate : Courses
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