LDS103 - Learning Needs Analysis

Course Overview
Successful learning professionals know that a critical first step in building the “right” learning solutions is to conduct a learning needs analysis. But what do you do when the company executives have already decided on a solution or you’re asked to build a new program in 3 weeks?
The answer: Learning needs analysis for the “real world.” This program will provide participants with state-of-the-art best practices as applied at the Top 125 corporate universities, learning from an expert in the business community who has led two top corporate universities. But most importantly, you’ll learn how to identify if a learning program is really the right solution before you start to build it!
- Who’s Addie and Sam? Learn how to apply the models of appropriate learning design to manage your project effectively from beginning to end.
- Pave the way for your program by forming a liaison or steering committee with the Learners and Stakeholder communities.
- Assess the organization’s climate and culture to determine what system obstacles you may need to remove to support the program.
- Choose the appropriate analytical tools to identify learning gaps and select your program participants.
- Roll up your sleeves and examine the job tasks, and the knowledge, skills, and abilities of your audience.
- Write effective performance objectives that will deliver measurable results for your program.
- Identify the strategic business goals and align your learning solution to them.
- Build an effective proposal based on your needs analysis that recommends the appropriate learning methods to achieve the best outcomes (e.g., instructor-led, online, burst learning, or blended). Before you dive in, determine if training is the right solution!
- Demonstrate and apply a working understanding of ADDIE and SAM models for learning.
- Apply appropriate methods for collecting data that analyzes and separates learning needs from organizational issues.
- Apply a framework for conducting an effective learning needs analysis that maximizes your data with minimal efforts (e.g., surveys, focus groups, observations, etc.).
- Apply practice and time-saving tools and tips for collecting data in the “real world.”
- Demonstrate your ability to tie learning objectives to a recommended evaluation method to drive appropriate measures of results for your organization and its stakeholders.
- Apply proven techniques for communicating the business benefits of your analysis and proposal for learning.
Applies To The Following Certificate
- Learning and Development Certificate : Courses
For More Information

University of North Carolina at Charlotte programs have been pre-approved by the ATD Certification Institute for continuing education credits towards professional development hours for initial eligibility and recertification of the Certified Professional in Talent Development (CPTD) and Associate Professional in Talent Development (APTD) credentials. This program has been approved for a maximum of 7 points
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Course Delivery
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Course Materials
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